The Revolution Of Ivy Epub Vkont
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The common failure of the revolutionist touse the stage is a reflection of the tendencyof the revolutionary to play a passive rather thansupportive role in the movement. Those whoare active in the movement inevitably feel itsprimitive conditions and the need for a change in themode of action. They are conscious of the factthat they are not reaching the people directly onthe principles of the revolution. They begin,however, to see that the people are not ready tohear the message of the revolution in its fullness.They begin to have an interest in doing more thanwhining and complaining. They begin to see thatthe masses want something more than justa change in the present mode of government.They begin to have an interest in acting. Theyfeel that they can reach the public more effectivelyby action than they can through complaining.
The fact that the stage is an effective medium ofinfluence does not mean that the theater isa legitimate objective of the Social Revolutionarymovement. The actor who becomes involvedin the working out of political issues belongsto the reformer rather than to the revolutionist.Prominence for the revolutionist does notmean condemnation of the stage; it means thatthe revolutionist can more effectively reach thepublic by the use of the stage than by anyother method. The stage is not inimicalto the revolution, but it must not becomeinvolved in the struggle of the revolution.The success of the revolutionist is dependenton the willingness of the people to expresstheir political opinions by listening to agreat series of dramatic appeals.
In his new discovery of the group mind
it is of course the group mind
that is interested. But this is also true of the individual mind, and the group mind is here as much to change and to mold as the individual mind. This becomes especially true when the group mind is special. Special interests, ideals, hopes and fears are here to modify and even to create the individual mind. The idealist, the reformer, the suffragist, the labor unionist, and the philosopher are all the creations of the group mind. The same is true of the individual mind, and these creations, the group mind creates, change and mold the individual mind as well as the group mind itself. It is not surprising that the group mind has created the great social movements and revolutions of our time. These movements are due to special groups, groups that are usually very small, groups that are usually very intense, groups whose hopes and fears are much more powerful than the individual mind of the human being.
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