Download Film Faith Like Potatoes Torrent ((LINK))
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I am only 30, so I do not have a huge amount of films to talk about,but I have to say, I have never been as touched by any film, as I havebeen by this one! Francois Rautenbach impressed me so much! Hisperformance was absolutely astounding! It is a pity that films withChristain themes tend to fade in the light of large Hollywood movies,but if you give them a chance, you will find a heart and spirit, thatfew big budget movies can ever create! The cinematography is amazing,and the music is like silk. What more could a movie goer ask for thanbrilliant acting, brilliant cinematography and brilliant music? Itmight be a South African tale, but it is more a story of how one manfinds God in a world where he cannot find anything...
From the beginning, it's obvious that this is not a product of theBig Easy. The film is written by Francois Rautenbach, who himself hasspent time in South Africa. The casting is top-notch. The look andfeel of the film is very simple, with muted colors and natural lighting. Ina sense, it's easy to see why the film is getting accolades for beingso minimalist. The acting, particularly by Christopher Plummer, isfirst-rate. His role as the irrepressible, charming con-man on a mission to teach his nephew a lesson is one of the mostcompelling I've seen this year. The film is certainly not an outrightheart-warmer like Kazaam or Raise the Red Lantern, but in the rightsetting, it can be, and it works well as a nice change from thelots of CGI-heavy, laugh-a-minute comedies that are taking the boxoffice by storm.
Jesus is a great actor. Who said that he was a great director? Thewhole movie is beautifully made. The movie is a story of someone who wasblind and got his sight back. He tries to use his eyes to understandwhat a world looks like. But as he is blind, he is seeing it wrong. Thisis the religion he is seeing wrong. He learns from his friend that hehad a whole world behind his closed eyes. So, he is reluctant to openthe world again. 827ec27edc